Candidate: Iron Wolf Saber

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In Dust 514

Character name
Iron Wolf Saber
Den of Swords
Playing since

In real life

Tony Adkins
United States
IT Student

Contact information

Not available
Campaign thread
Ingame convo

Campaign statement

I believe in the vision that has Dust 514 believed in and I am committed to making that a reality. I will continue to support the idea and all the platforms it exists on as long as it remains fair and feasible to to ensure the playerbase gets the best they can be afforded in their experiences.

I am committed to see the progress CPM 0 has started on becomming more involved with CCP continue though CPM 1's term to help create the council worthy and very capable of the player base.

Experience in Dust

I have been playing since Closed Beta and ever since then have been contributing to Dust on a myriad of issues from 101 bullets to general 2.0 ish ideas. I was also the news/lore monger during the closed beta era until I was picked for the 'War Council' which is now known today as the Council of Planetary Management.

What was supposed to be a 3 month stint to get the first CPM elected turned into a nightmare scenario with Uprising 1.0's launch causing massive backlashing resulting in CPM 0 becomming more official in its role. Since then I have tireless worked to help legitimize the organization.

CPM overall has severely cut into my play time but has not stopped me from remaining relative knowing the issues any player is facing due to my omni-solider progression choice.

Real life experience

Former US Navy Aviation Electrician I am very familiar with having to work under difficult production and social environments.

Long time gamer I have been enjoying game since the era of nintendo and these days I approach the games in terms of questions and constructive cynicism on how they could always improve and be a far better game than what they launched.


What are the top three issues currently facing Dust 514 and why?

New Player Experience - Games have less than 3-15 minutes to sell their game usually, games that fail this garner less retention and discourages another go at it. Poor NPE can lead to frustrated newcomers resulting in a less than industry expected drop out rate.

Role and Roleless - This game is struggling with the concept of having flexibility of player choice and definition of what some of those choices are supposed to be doing. Currently HAVs and some weapons are suffering from lack of identity while others are causing pain by overlapping other identities superiorly.

Progression and Market - This broad subject has a massive faucet of ideas to help resolve and alleviate but the point remains that a player fresh out of the academy is left wandering without a roadmap on how to achieve elite status or the means and tools to achieve it much easier.

Why will you be an effective CPM member?

Having experience as a CPM 0 Secretary; I have already established a good working relationship and expectancies as a CPM member of what will be required of me for the job. I can quickly catch other CPM 1 members on proper decorum and help them get to the same level of interaction too quickly to get the newly elected hit the ground running.

In what way do you think the CPM can be improved?

An initial election getting candidates in would improve some community opinion the CPM will have to be mostly responsible for itself on how it conducts business with the community. However on the flip side CPM relationship with CCP can be further improved with expanded responsibilities and official insertion into the earliest of ideas to help guide and articulate development before it gets to a state where altering it would be too difficult or too costly.

If a player wants to get in touch with you, the best way to contact you is:

Skype is my best current portal of contact as I can easily check that any day and anywhere contact name is Iron Wolf // Tony Adkins
Your second best bet is to eve mail me at Iron Wolf Saber

What is your opinion on Project Legion?

Answering as a player Project Legion is the bitter medicine for the vision Dust 514 has set forth to seek. As CPM the sentiment is only further validated the more I hear about Dust 514 and its development woes. In true honesty the only way this vision can be fully achieved is through a platform where there is plenty of room to run around in and much less bars to entry and trying weird things out such as test servers. May it go back to console who knows but CCP has not shut that door yet and I hope that when they make a good and successful game they would then consider it.